We constantly deliver new features

Version 1.12.0

Tuesday, 13 February 2024
  • New plan: “Essentials”
  • New environment for plan selection and secure payments supported by Stripe.

Plan changes:

  • Plans

    • A new plan “Essentials” has been introduced, offering Phi core features. The previously called “Pro” plan is now called “Professional” and it includes all core & advanced Phi features. The Free plan has been discontinued, while a 30 Day Trial is available for the Professional version.

  • Plan selection

    • Plan selection and payments have been moved out of the Onshape AppStore and are now processed by Stripe Payments on the Phi website. You can still seamlessly integrate with Onshape using the plan you subscribe on.

Bug fixes:

  • Zoom works after Save shortcut

  • "Failed to refresh token" error fixed

Version 1.11.3

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Export to STEP directly from Phi. Confine view rotation around the horizontal or vertical axis.

New functionalities:

  • Export to STEP

    • You can now export your .phi design to .STEP format.

  • Lock view rotation on horizontal or vertical axis

    • Freehand rotate your model around the horizontal or vertical axis. Lock with relevant button, then drag; no keys needed, only your mouse or finger.

Bug fixes:

  • Converting open reference faces received from Onshape with bad lattice information

  • "W" shortcut for showing/hiding edges

  • Fix for scene dimensions in small screens

Version 1.11.2

Tuesday, 21 November 2023

Need more help? You will now find it within the application! Helpme gif

User experience improvements:

  • Single-body stitching

    • You can now stitch edges that belong on the same body, as long as they share a vertex.

  • More help

    • A new button has been added for directly contacting Phi team or launching Phi website. More example videos have been added.

  • Better appearance while dragging to deform

    • When an edge or vertex is dragged, the triangle count balances both performance and appearance.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix scaling and precise scaling from manipulator balls

  • Bug fix to avoid erroneous 3-vertex limitation message

  • Fix for undo after some manipulator operations

  • Fixes for 0-thickness operations

Version 1.11.1

Monday, 30 October 2023

Hit "Enter" instead of clicking a modal's action button.

What's new - Version 1.11.1

User experience improvements:

  • "Enter" key presses the modal's default button

    • If a modal has an action (yellow) button, then "Enter" will press that. For modals without an action button, "Enter" will press the close (grey) button.

  • "2" and "Shift-2" do not delete sharp vertices

    • Sometimes edges that connect at floating vertices are not smooth with each other. In those cases, the shortcuts "2" and "Shift-2" will leave the floating vertices undeleted, so that the sharp shape remains sharp.

  • Create Onshape document for local file if possible.

  • Registration Page adjustments

Bug fixes:

  • .STL references can now be uploaded when Onshape-authenticated.

  • Users that subscribe to Phi and then to Onshape can now create new documents.

  • Improvements to performance of Thicken functionality

  • Bug fix for projecting edges onto faces

  • Overall performance and behaviour improvements

Version 1.11.0

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

No Onshape account? No problem! Create your Phi account for free and use Phi right away.

Signup screen

New functionalities:

  • Create your Phi account

    • Although an Onshape account remains our favorite way of using Phi, we now offer the possibility to open a Phi account and run Phi independently. Simply visit app.phi3d.com, register for free and enjoy all design tools, with the possibility to save and export your work locally.

  • Pop-out edges to extend open bodies

    • If you are working with open bodies you can now extrude their boundary edges to create new faces. Watch how!

User experience improvements:

  • Face invisibility: switching to visible is faster

    • Selecting a boundary edge and toggling invisibility will turn the whole group of faces into visible, instead of turning a single face only.

  • Backstage tidying of invisible faces

    • Invisible faces are tidied up by Phi behind the scenes, so that open-body operations take less time and work out more smoothly.

Bug fixes:

  • Symmetry plane does not interfere with Brush-selecting.

  • No tangencies between visible/invisible edges.

  • Transparency of reference bodies during and after Edit in Section mode.

  • Reset edge/vertex/face visibility on refresh.

Version 1.10.2

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

The free demo version is now a more user-friendly "Guest mode" where you can try out Phi freely. Settings are now organized in a dedicated modal where you can easily find everything you need.


New Guest mode operation:

  • The demo trial version is now a more user-friendly "Guest mode" where all functionality and tutorials are available to the user.

  • A prompt to login is displayed only when attempting to save, export, import models.

User experience improvements:

  • All general settings are now organized in a dedicated modal window.

  • Showing curvature combs has moved out of Settings and into a toggle button in the bottom bar (shortcut is K). On hover, the relevant options button will appear above it.

  • Changes in viewports are also autosaved in the .phi file.

  • Animations are made faster for large models.

  • Faster loading, especially of all icons.

Bug fixes:

  • Textboxes are editable in Safari.

  • Mobile version: Deleting with a long tap on the button (the equivalent of holding Shift) has the expected result.

  • Mobile version: Edge Drawing works when dragging starts on a face.

  • "View top" tooltip restored.

Version 1.10.1

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

This minor release focuses mostly on a large number of improvements and bug fixes, both for the desktop and the mobile version.

What's new 1.10.1

Bug fixes and improvements include:

  • Color picker refactor, and further improvements for mobile version.

  • Selecting narrow faces between edges is now easier.

  • Bug fix in suggested parameters for circles and circular arcs.

  • A bug fix in displaying the coordinates of vertices when in section view mode.

  • Bug fix for flattening surfaces.

  • Better Handling of Edge Deformations, including Smoothing.

  • Improvements to Scaling Modal operation.

  • Projection ignores Section View.

  • Fix for symmetries not being correctly executed in some cases where tangencies are involved.

  • Some bug fixes in specific complex operations, or undoing them (e.g. clone or thickening bodies).

  • Bug fix in size of floating toolbar, and color, label, and active bullet of icons.

  • When loading models outside the Onshape environment, your Onshape documents are now displayed sorted by last modification date. Scrolling brings more documents.

  • A bug fix when suggesting the public/private nature of your newly created documents.

  • Prevent loading models when filename is empty.

  • Allow reselecting Onshape document in standalone version after refreshing.

  • Improvements in the Onshape authentication process.

  • More graceful warning and exit if Onshape authentication fails.

  • Fix decimal approximation not being respected in some fields.

  • Fix long press behaviour in some instances for mobile version.

  • Fix for Offset button being sometimes inactive.

  • Disable some irrelevant operations while editing reference sketches.

  • Allow box select and rotate for Mirror, Symmetry, Axes Planes.

  • Allow importing of open surfaces from Onshape.

  • Bug fix to axis indicator text position.

  • Various performance optimisations in loading or executing the application.

Version 1.10.0

Thursday, 6 July 2023

The big news is that Phi is now accessible through your tablet! Take your designs on the road, to the park, or even up a mountain, accessing your Phi models whenever and wherever inspiration strikes!

And all of this while still remaining CONNECTED to your Onshape account, and included in the same Onshape App Store subscription!

You can still use the Onshape-integrated version you are familiar with (open a document, hit the + sign, and run Phi), but you can now directly run Phi on tablets and mobile devices, outside of the Onshape environment, leveraging all the touch capabilities such as rotating with a single flick of your finger, pinching to zoom, panning with two fingers, and more!

  • This is currently a Beta release, and we welcome any feedback to improve it and make it more robust.

New tablet/mobile version:

  • Apart from the Onshape-integrated version of Phi that you are familiar with, you can now run Phi directly in any browser (on tablet or mobile devices, but even on a desktop browser) simply by hitting the Phi application URL!

  • You can then hit the "Connect through Onshape" option and be authenticated through your Onshape account, allowing you to load, save and export your work just like you do with the Onshape-integrated version

  • When you connect with Onshape you can select a document of yours to work within, or start a new document for your current work (either public or private, based on your plan)

  • Alternatively you can use Phi in the free demo "insta-trial" mode, with its full functionality available, including exporting your test models to STL (but no save to Phi file or export to Onshape)

  • Long-pressing on an element corresponds to a shift-click, including a visual indication around the screen border

  • The UI menus are activated with a "pull-down" gesture

General user experience improvements:

  • The Load, Save, Import and Export modals are now Phi-themed, and consistent across all platforms (Onshape-integrated, mobile/tablet, etc)

  • Projecting improvements:

    • - Intersection: Project now takes place even if the edges to be projected intersect with the target

    • - Multiple faces: Select one or more faces and project onto them

    • - UI changed to be consistent for all options

    • - Performance and UX improvements

  • Rigid move manipulator placement improved, depending on selected object

  • Optimization of selection box performance

  • If a pair of edges that has been added to symmetry set cannot have symmetry applied, (for example due to fixed objects) then user is warned and the pair is shown in red

  • Improvements to symmetry behavior

  • Improvements to making edges circular arcs

  • Better calculation of center of rotation

  • Easier selection of move manipulator elements

  • Progress indicators added to more operations (e.g. projecting onto faces)

  • A multitude of other UX and visual improvements

Bug fixes:

  • Blocking third-party cookies prevented the application from loading, in some cases. Fixes for authentication and sessioning issues, and switch from cookie to bearer token (to avoid a Safari bug)

  • Fix for regression in loading STL reference files

  • Correction in handling renewed subscriptions

Version 1.9.3

Friday, 19 May 2023

Some UX improvements, notably making smoothing chains of edges more flexible when both fixed and non-fixed edges are involved, and some bug fixes.

Also an authentication issue was discovered and resolved (regarding predominantly the Safari browser), and any affected users where contacted to make sure they have no issues now.

User experience improvements:

  • More flexible smoothing of edges

    • Chains can now contain arbitrary fixed edges inside them, and smoothing will respect them and work with the non-fixed edges only.

  • Making edge chains circular now allows up to 3 fixed vertices, and their positions are respected in creating the circle or circular arc.

  • More spinners with progress reporting added to operations where needed.

Bug fixes:

  • User login and authentication mechanism:

    • We found out that the authentication token we had been using was problematic in certain cases (for example on certain versions of Safari). So we updated our authentication mechanism to avoid this.

  • Fixes to Safari compatibility, including modal sizes.

  • Stitching open surfaces: prevent opposite sides from stitching together

  • Operations more gracefully exited with Escape and undo (e.g. Offsetting)

  • Minor bug fix when scaling with scale factor of 100%.

  • Removed some spurious non-helpful messages.

Version 1.9.2

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Rotating the viewpoint is improved and more natural. More concise default model names. Progress indicators are more widely used. And many more user experience improvements and bug fixes.

User experience improvements:

  • Center of Rotation displayed and reviewed

    • The pivot point of view-rotating gestures is displayed while those take place. Also, the point you start your dragging to rotate matters:

    • - If it belongs to a Phi object or a plane, then that point becomes pivot.

    • - Otherwise the geometrical center of the bodies that are visible at that moment becomes the center of rotation.

  • Right-click pans to the center of the scene.

    • Right-clicking a point will now pan it to the center of the scene.

  • Names in Onshape Part List are more descriptive

    • The name under which a Phi body was sent to Onshape (plus ".STEP") will be displayed in the Part list.

  • Ctrl-Scrolling zooms browser window, changing the size of the interface elements.

    • The size of the icons and letters is adjusted by zooming the browser. Holding Control or Command down and scrolling is now recognized as your standard browser shortcut (if set as such), no matter where the pointer is located within the Phi interface.

  • Spinner added in more operations

    • Spinner will show up when operations such as Smoothening, Unsmoothening, Popping in/out, Thickening, Stitching, and other are going to last for more than 1 second.

  • Symmetry and mirror planes behave exactly like orthogonal planes when clicking on them.

  • Default filenames are more succinct.

Bug fixes:

  • Bounding box is automatically corrected in case it intersects objects in the scene.

  • Stitching

    • Prevent twisting of stitched faces that are not aligned.

    • Open faces face the same direction when stitched.

  • Symbols that are not accepted by Onshape are not allowed in Phi filenames either

Version 1.9.1

Friday, 31 March 2023

We heard you, and we stopped flooding your tab row with backup file tabs. Plus a few more minor improvements and fixes.

Version 1.9.1 cover

User experience improvements:

  • Stopped Phi from filling your Onshape document with backup files.

    • A new button in the Settings menu allows you to turn back on saving backup files, if you prefer. It is off by default.

    • If needed, you can also leverage Onshape’s revision and history mechanism to roll back to older versions of your Phi models.

  • Improved the naming of models as they are exported to Onshape.

Bug fixes:

  • Removed a recently-introduced bug that made symmetric edges behave erroneously.

Version 1.9.0

Monday, 27 March 2023

Edges are now consistently smoother, for higher surface quality. A wider range of geometry changes is now supported in Symmetry mode.

User experience improvements:

  • Edges: underlying technology improved

    • The Phi mathematical infrastructure has evolved: Edges are now consistently smoother, resulting in higher surface quality.

  • Adding/removing vertices in Symmetry:

    • Symmetry mode now supports adding or removing vertices, and related operations. The underlying symmetries are updated automatically to reflect the new geometry.

  • No "_phi" suffix when sending to Onshape.

    • The Part Studio tab created when "Sending to Onshape" has the expected name, without a "_phi" suffix.

  • Free plan in-app announcement

    • Non-paying users who launch Phi in a private document will get a notification that "Private document editing will not be allowed in Phi Free plan after May 1, 2023."

  • Added stay/exit buttons in tutorials warning modal

Bug fixes:

  • White mode contrast

    • Elements are now more distinguishable against white background.

  • Better timing of autosaving.

    • - Avoid saving simultaneously twice

    • - Disable autosave while file is loading

    • - Disable autosave in tutorials mode

  • Dropdown menus contrast (occurred in Windows OS) is now fixed.

  • Prevent tooltips from hiding some bottom bar elements

  • Disable rotation while drawing edge or carving

  • Length units

    • - Set default units if not found in phi file

    • - When refreshing, set the current unit back to the default onshape unit

  • Clipping planes now initialise properly

  • File selector having double scrollbars in small screen resolutions

  • Scaling manipulator balls now correctly finds scale axis

  • Fixed performance issues when loading large stl files

  • Doesn't display grid size message unnecessarily

  • Doesn't show hidden reference bodies when snapping

  • Filenaming

    • - Don't change file name when loading reference model

    • - Αvoid double counters when auto incrementing file name counters

  • When editing tangents, clicking on manipulator rotate arrows (for precise rotation) now rotates tangents, not entire edges

  • Fix modals not closing properly when ESC key is used, or when the backdrop is clicked

  • Allow user to abort setting symmetry by clicking the button again or by pressing ESC

  • Shift+I respects edge shapes

Version 1.8.2

Tuesday, 28 February 2023

A designer introduces you to your Phi quiver!

Importing existing models from Onshape now takes place through the relevant "Reference" button; converting to phi objects is optional.

User experience improvements:

  • "Load model" redesign:

    • You can now pick among default objects and saved .phi files. Searching and selecting a .phi file saved in your Onshape document is simpler and more compact.

  • "Import from Onshape" takes place through "Bring reference":

    • To import an existing Onshape model into Phi, either as a reference or editable, you always go to "Import Onshape reference model". You will then be presented with the option to "attempt conversion". If checked on, Phi will try to create an editable Phi body out of the part to be imported.

  • "Quick intro" video added

    • To help beginners into Phi, we offer an overview of the Phi workflows.

Bug fixes

  • Filenames: no filename suggested when adding an object.

  • Fixes that have to do with appearance in dark/white mode, and in various screen sizes.

    • Embeded videos became responsive in size

    • Reduced left bar row gap for small resolutions

    • Accent colour for buttons in white mode

    • Button dashes not scaling on hover

Version 1.8.1

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Your work is now autosaved as you would expected from a cloud-based application.

Any change you make to your model is constantly saved in the current file you are working on within your Onshape document. So next time you log in you will find it as you left it.

User experience improvements:

  • Your work is autosaved within the file you have loaded

    • While you work on a file, Phi constantly autosaves your changes in that file within your Onshape document. Loading back the file will bring it as it was last saved. Until now Phi would autosave it in a separate file, but this is no longer the case, we have adopted the expected cloud-based behaviour. A separate backup file is created only on load as an additional precaution.

  • Name your file right from the start

    • As you load any default shape suggested by Phi, you can give it a preferred name from the start.

Bug fixes:

  • Minor bug fixes in the autosave frequency, and also in the undo stack handling.

Version 1.8.0

Friday, 30 December 2022

Dive deep in your designs with the new Immersive Mode to work closer to your model and with less clutter. Take advantage of the new "Manage Tangents Mode", to specify, manipulate and lock your edge tangents. And look for a multitude of user experience and performance improvements.

New functionalities:

  • Introducing "Immersive mode": Extend work area with floating buttons or no buttons!

    • - Hide the bars behind the buttons ("Toggle Layout" from Settings),

    • - Hide all buttons by clicking the Phi logo

    • - White Mode

  • Introducing "Manage Tangents mode":

    • View, manipulate, rotate, set and lock the tangent vectors of any edge individually within a special "Tangency editing mode".

User experience improvements:

  • First batch of improvements with importing from Onshape:

    • - If a Part/Part Studio cannot be imported in its entirety, an attempt is made to import as many elements as possible.

    • - Error reporting is now more meaningful and accompanied by suggestions for better results.

    • - Attempts to automatically split edges and faces to facilitate import, if necessary, e.g. to overcome the 3-vertex limitation.

  • Better spinner with progress indicator for time-consuming operations (importing, saving, STL operations, carving, etc). You can now take a second and stretch!

  • Added guidelines and tips to aid importing models from Onshape.

  • Stitching bodies on edge can be performed by selecting the two faces, if selecting the edges is more cumbersome.

  • Copying body or faces accidentally: Coinciding duplicates are now prevented completely, right after a "Copy" operation.

  • Fixing objects is more flexible.

  • Generic UI adjustments:

    • Modal appearance, reorganization of Settings Menu, icon placement, vertex dimensions reduced for clarity, etc.

  • User interface improvements while drawing edges and carving.

  • Improved caching of application files and reduction in overall application size and load time.

  • Demo app allows more time for users to try it out

Bug fixes:

  • Better handling of models when copying bodies or faces.

    • A situation where two superimposed faces would result in one being hidden by the other is now avoided.

  • Some improvements to bridging between open faces.

    • In some cases the operation would fail, we have taken measures to avoid that.

  • Improvements and some bug fixes in handling symmetries, which would sometimes give erratic results.

Version 1.7.1

Friday, 30 September 2022

Phi session loads faster. Improvements to color picker, including the possibility to copy-paste color across faces. Snapping a vertex on an edge targets the exact point you clicked.

User experience improvements:

  • Snap vertex onto edge at click location

    • When a vertex is snapped to an edge, the location along that edge which was clicked will be targeted.

  • Improvements to color picker.

    • When a face is selected, palette is set to its color (allowing to copy hex code). "Clear" button has been added so that you can restore color to default.

  • Loading

    • Slightly faster loading of Phi. New loading indication with more information.

  • Support for lower resolutions

    • We changed the layout of our modals and floating toolbar, so that they are more compact and fit in a smaller browser window. "Suggest a feature" and "Contact us" buttons have been moved to bottom row.

  • UI of "Place vertex at xyz" and "Draw circle with parameters"

    • The user interface of these two operations is more clear.

  • New icons: "Set color" and "Set material"

Bug fixes:

  • Indication of Mirror or Symmetry mode

    • While there is an active Mirror or Symmetry plane, a dot will appear above the respective buttons.

  • Shift hovering an edge in snapping mode

    • Shift hovering an edge while in snapping mode will not show "new vertex" preview.

  • Color hex code can be typed in.

Version 1.7.0

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

Your settings are now saved for your next session, and the (sometimes annoying) welcome window can be switched off. We reorganized the handling of reference models in three separate menus for Onshape Parts/Part Studios, STL models, and sketches. Various options for placing your objects are assembled in a single menu, with new options and smoother interfaces for projecting and snapping. And several other new improvements and fixes that you can read about on the side.

New functionalities:

  • User database

    • Your preferred settings are now stored in a database and persist through your sessions. At the bottom of the settings menu you can find "Reset" which will return all your settings back to default.

    • "Welcome to Phi" modal will not appear again after checking the relevant checkbox. Reset your settings to undo this.

  • Snapping: Unification and more possibilities

    • Snap to reference and Snap to body are now a single button; shortcut is N. You can partially snap an edge onto part of a target Phi or reference edge. You can also snap a vertex onto a target Phi or reference edge.

User experience improvements:

  • Onshape settings carried into Phi

    • Default length units now follow your Onshape preference. Changing the "Length unit" setting will only affect the current model.

  • More data stored in your model file:

    • Defined section planes and workspace units are saved in .phi file.

  • Positioning Group

    • "Project", "Snap" and "Attach to STL" buttons are grouped within the "Place" menu

  • Simpler and unified Projecting

    • Directly project onto Phi or reference bodies without specifying which ones.

  • Separate menus for reference Parts/Part Studios, STL models, and sketches.

    • Separate buttons to insert, edit, hide for each reference type (Part Studio, STL, Sketch). "Convert" button is now in the "Part Studio reference" menu (appears on hover of the "Add Part Studio reference" button), while "Resample" and "Save STL to file" are in the "STL reference" menu. Part Studio reference bodies now appear in blue, to differentiate from STL reference bodies, which remain green.

  • Reference sketches

    • Cleaner frame: The vertices at the corners of reference sketches are visible only in edit mode.

    • Loading indication while sketch is loading into Phi.

  • View normal to Symmetry plane or Mirror plane

    • Clicking on Symmetry plane or Mirror plane will turn the view perpendicular to it.

  • Number of edges added is displayed

    • If more than one edges have been added at once, then the number of new edges is displayed in a note. In this case, warnings about failing to add an edge between a pair of consecutively selected vertices will be ignored.

  • Split edges on export: default value OFF

    • Setting "2-vertices exported" has been renamed to the equivalent "Split edges on export" and the tooltip (which appears on hover of the icon) has been improved.

    • Moreover the default value of this setting has been set to OFF.

  • Show setting's tooltip on label hover

    • In order to make Settings easier to use, a tooltip shows up when you hover over the name of the setting, not just the icon.

Bug fixes:

  • Past values suggestion in textboxes

    • When typing in a textbox, a white box suggesting past values would appear in some cases. This does not show up anymore.

  • Better handling of mouse movement, clicks and releasing (e.g. when over a note while dragging).

  • Reference vertex size

    • When "Snapping to reference", the size of the reference vertices is now correctly shown.

  • Wireframe and Hidden edges status indicators

    • The status ball indicating "on" state for Wireframe view and Hidden Edges view is now correctly displayed, according to current mode.

  • Wireframe is correctly shown after material changes

Hot-key changes:

  • N: Snap

  • Shift-N: Case-specific Snap

  • Shift-T: Display tangencies

  • J is not used for Snapping anymore

Version 1.6.0

Friday, 22 July 2022

Swap the inner and outer sides of a surface without changing its shape or position. Define more dimensions when inserting a default object.

New functionalities:

  • Flip surfaces

    • In order to swap the inner and outer sides of a surface, select one or more of its faces and click the "Flip" icon. You will end up with the exact reverse of your shape.

User experience improvements:

  • Customizable starting objects

    • You can now define more than one dimensions for the default body you're about to import. Enter the x, y and z dimensions for a cuboid, the height (z) and diameter for a cylinder, or just the x,y or diameter for 2D shapes.

  • Current version displayed

    • Phi's current version is shown at all times at the bottom right corner.

Bug fixes:

  • State balls

    • Fix for yellow state balls sometimes disappearing under some icons after latest release.

  • Shift-Smoothening

    • Fix for Shift key in setting edge smoothness in some cases involving fixed objects.

  • Projecting

    • Small fixes and improvements in projecting edges onto faces.

Version 1.5.0

Wednesday, 6 July 2022

A single new tool, a whole lot of shaping possibilities! Project edges onto Phi or reference surfaces!

New functionalities:

  • Project edges onto faces

    • Project the selected edges, or the edges of any selected faces, onto any other faces. The latter can be Phi or reference faces. Define the projecting direction among existing elements or even the camera view. The projected edges will drop onto the target surface along that direction, unless you also ask for an offset.

Bug fixes:

  • Saving locked tangency

    • Tangency and perpendicularity constraints are now saved.

  • Add linear edge

    • Shift+"Add edge" icon now works.

Version 1.4.2

Friday, 3 June 2022

You can now copy indiviual faces or sets of faces off a body, bridge adjacent bodies or faces, and set the center of rotation. Try out our new Welcome step-by-step design!

New functionalities:

  • Copy faces

    • Select a set of faces of a body, and hit Ctrl-C to copy just those as a new, independent body. Until now you could only copy the entire body.

  • 0-bridging

    • Select adjacent faces on two bodies and "bridge" them, i.e. unite the two bodies into one.

  • "Quick Intro" Step-by-Step design

    • To welcome all our new users who join every day, we have implemented a "Quick Intro example" functionality. You can go there at the beginning of the session (through the initial "Welcome" window), or anytime with the "i" button at the top-right corner. For a more detailed course, you can always follow our Tutorials which you will find in the adjacent tab.

User experience improvements:

  • Thicken multiple faces (a first improvement)

    • Select a set of faces and "thicken" them, creating a body with the shape of the original faces on both sides. In this first improvement you can only do this for open faces with relatively similar orientations. A more complete improvement is on its way in a future release...

  • Center of rotation

    • Rotation gestures assume the center of the scene as pivot point. Such gestures are dragging with the right mouse button, or hitting the arrow keys, or clicking one of the "View down to X, Y, or Z" buttons. To quickly set any point as the center or rotation, right-click on it.

  • Dividing edge in fractions: What you see is what you get

    • When you hover an edge, hit Shift repeatedly and then hit V, then all vertices indicated will be created, thus splitting the edge equally in 2 to 8 sections (as many times as you have hit Shift).

  • Display tangencies after Tangency operations

    • After any edge endpoint tangencies are added (e.g. by making perpendicular to plane etc), all the tangencies are displayed for 1 second, then hidden, so you can get some instant feedback about what you just did.

Bug fixes:

  • Click sensitivity

    • We improved the click sensitivity to avoid accidental moves that were reported by some users.

  • Removing the move manipulator after Copy Body

    • After copying a body we force the user to move the copy out of the way before allowing them to remove the move manipulator, unless they explicitly hit the move icon. This now happens more seamlessly.

  • Floating crosshair fixed

    • We had reports of the crosshair lines being left hanging in space. This should be fixed now.

Hot-key changes:

  • Right-click: set as center of rotation.

Version 1.4.1

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Reference Sketches are now easily handled with standard Phi tools, and all edits are saved within the .phi file. All parts and surfaces are now exported to Onshape as separate objects.

User experience improvements:

  • Reference Sketches: Edit with standard tools

    • Reference sketches are now edited using the tools you are already familiar with! Use the Move Manipulator to scale, move, or rotate your reference sketches, freely or with a precise value. For more specific Scaling operations (e.g. by percentage, or defining a new dimension), you can use the "Scale" icon or shortcuts: "D" and "Shift-D". And of course, remove unnecessary sketches with the "Delete" icon or key.

  • Reference Sketches: Edits are saved

    • Any edits you make to the reference sketches will now be maintained after file is saved and reloaded.

  • Connect selected vertices with a loop of edges

    • When a set of vertices is selected to be connected with edges, an edge will also be added between the first-and the last-selected vertex, provided they belong to the same face.

  • Default shapes now sit on top plane

    • Default shapes are now inserted with the XY or "Top" plane right below them, rather than running through them.

  • Number of triangles saved in .phi

    • The number of display triangles set will be saved within the .phi file, so that it automatically returns to the last value when the saved file is loaded in another session.

Bug fixes:

  • Separate objects are exported as such

    • Each separate body, as well as each open surface, is exported as a separate Onshape part or surface. The user can then handle accordingly, applying boolean or other operations within Onshape.

  • Shift-smoothening chains of faces

    • Smoothening chains of faces with the Shift key pressed now works as expected.

Version 1.4.0

Thursday, 31 March 2022

New simplified Smoothness interface, new tools to set tangents, live instructions, indication of saved status and filename, and much more.

New functionalities:

  • Lock edge tangent constraint

    • Select an edge and one of its vertices to lock its tangent at that end. Shortcut is T. Select and click again to unlock it.

  • Copy edge tangent to other edges

    • Select multiple edges and a vertex on each, and make the tangents of all edges at that vertex parallel to the tangent direction of the first selected one. Tangents are automatically locked in place.

  • Make edges perpendicular to faces or planes

    • Select one or more edges and make them all perpendicular to a selected face, a mirror or symmetry plane, or a coordinate plane. The side that is closest to the plane/face is the one that's made perpendicular, unless a vertex is selected on the edge in which case that side is made perpendicular. Tangents are automatically locked in place.

  • Make edges tangent to faces

    • Select faces and edges that are attached to them, and the edges will be made tangent to the faces. The tangents are automatically locked in place.

  • Visualize smoothness and tangency

    • Display all tangencies between edges and fixed edge tangents

  • New way to place objects and bodies at coordinates

    • Shift-click on a vertex and enter the target coordinates. All selected elements and bodies will shift together to the target location.

  • Improved grid controls

    • Grid now displays major units with accented lines, and minor subdivisions are suggested based on the current workspace units, and shown with thinner lines. The grid will appear centered on origin or, if desired, on a selected vertex. Grid controls have been moved above the "Show Grid" button for convenience.

User experience improvements:

  • Simplified smoothness controls.

    • Smoothness buttons for chains of edges, multiple faces, or entire areas, have all been merged into one, with shortcut U. Shift-U smoothens while keeping vertices fixed. An additional button removes smoothness.

  • Smoothness Strength

    • A new slider for setting smoothness strength more conveniently has been moved inside the Smoothen menu.

  • Circular with parameters: Diameter

    • Operation "Make circular with parameters" now asks for diameter rather than radius.

  • Instructions for multi-step operations

    • Instructions are displayed for operations involving more than one step (e.g. offset face, set mirror/symmetry plane, and others). They are displayed on the top-right corner of the scene.

  • Current filename and status displayed

    • The name of the file in process is always displayed at the bottom left corner, with an indication of whether it is saved, autosaved, or with unsaved changes.

  • Shift-delete vertices doesn’t modify edge shape.

    • Delete vertices with the Shift key pressed, and the underlying edges will not be automatically smoothened after the vertex is removed.

Bug fixes:

  • Color consistency

    • The default color is now uniform for all new shapes and faces.

  • Minor fix for bridging open faces

Hot-key changes:

  • Shift-Delete (a vertex with 2 edges):

    • Delete vertex, but keep the edge shape as is

  • U: Smooth

  • Shift-U: Smooth without moving vertices

  • Ctrl-Shift-U: Set smoothness strength

  • T: Lock Tangency

  • Ctrl-Shift-T: View Tangency

Version 1.3.4

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Selectively export to Onshape, or hide vertices, edges or faces. Remove vertices that lie on an edge without changing its shape. Select the vertex you want among coinciding ones. And much more...

New functionalities:

  • Selectively hide edges and vertices

    • Clicking any of the "Hide faces / edges / vertices" buttons (or hitting the R / W / Q shortcuts respectively) while some elements are selected, will only hide those and leave the unselected ones shown. Alternatively, clicking any of these buttons with the Shift key pressed will hide all unselected elements and keep the selected ones shown.

  • Selectively send to Onshape

    • If there are selected bodies or faces when "end to Onshape" is clicked, then only those will be exported. In case nothing is selected, then everything will be exported.

  • Sending to Onshape: Floating vertices can be ignored

    • An new option has been added to settings: when off, vertices that lie between two edges (a.k.a. "floating" or "2-vertices") do not count when the model is sent to Onshape, unless the edges are non-smooth with each other. This means that consecutive smooth edges connected with floating vertices will be exported as a single edge.

  • Removing floating vertices without changing the shape of the edge

    • When you remove a vertex, we smoothen the underlying edge so its shape is smooth and without abrupt turns and corners. Hitting the key “2” will remove all 2-vertices (i.e. vertices lying on one edge, or rather on 2 edges connected at that vertex).

    • We added a new option so that if you hit “Shift-2" it will remove all the 2-vertices as before, but it will NOT smoothen the edge. So the edge shape will remain exactly like it was, but the vertex will disappear.

User experience improvements:

  • Selection of coinciding vertices

    • When two vertices or more coincide, Phi helps you select the one you intend to:

      • If one of the coinciding vertices, is selected, the edges that come out of it are temporarily highlighted to indicate where the vertex belongs. This way, you will know whether the vertex you just selected is the one you want.

      • If it isn't, you are prompted to click twice. The first click simply deselects the vertex already selected, while the second one selects the other coinciding vertex (and highlights its edges). If more than two vertex coincide, you can repeat until you have the wanted one.

  • New button and shortcut for hidden edges mode

    • Viewing the hidden edges (ie. that are covered by faces) is now accessed with a separate button, located on the left side of the interface (just below the Wireframe View button), or with the new shortcut, the H key.

    • Now that you this transparency mode can be quickly turned off and on, you can even switch while using the move tool, to better view surface shapes.

  • Convert a reference face into a one-sided Phi face

    • Converting a reference face into Phi will now create an open face. In case you still need the old, two-sided converted face, you can hold the Shift key down when you click the "Convert" button.

  • Shift-clicking on a face selects the whole body

    • Shift-clicking on a face selects all elements of the body (including faces, edges and vertices), rather than its faces only.

  • "Toggle face visibility" ignores accidentally selected edges

    • As long as one or more faces are selected, the "Toggle face visibility" operation will ignore any selected edges (or vertices), and will just make the selected faces invisible.

  • Sign "loading" at Phi initiation

    • Sometimes Phi takes some extra seconds to load, and this creates confusion. Responding to your concerns, the "loading dots" will now appear while Phi is loading.

Bug fixes:

  • Shift-selected chains of edges reviewed

    • Bridged edges used to show some abnormalities when surrounding edges were shift-selected. We reviewed the chain selection and corrected this issue.

  • Sectional planes minimum distance adjustment

    • In certain cases, the minimum distance of the sectional planes ended up not being small enough. This has been corrected, so the minimum distance now adjusts itself regardless of the initial model units.

  • Cleaner stitching of open surfaces

    • Stitching two edges that belong to open faces will unify the surfaces, resulting in a single common edge.

  • "Clicking" has been reviewed

    • In particular cases, the complexity of the session's content could affect the "clicking" action. We have isolated this correlation.

  • Improved view at hidden edges mode

    • Inner side color follows outer side when in hidden edges mode

Hot-key changes:

  • H: View hidden edges

  • Shift-2: Delete non-fixed vertices with 2 edges only, but keep the edge shape as is

Version 1.3.3

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Select a chain within specified limits. Orientate with axes and planes following standard conventions. And watch a tutorial video anytime, without leaving your current model!

New functionalities:

  • Limit the chain of edges to be selected

    • Simply Shift-clicking on an edge will select the entire chain or loop that edge belongs, like before. However, selected edges along that chain will now act as limits. So, you can click-select two edges, then Shift-click any edge between them, and that will select only the part between them. If only one edge is selected as a limit, it applies for that end of the chain.

User experience improvements:

  • Phi coordinate system and planes equivalent to Onshape

    • To seamlessly export to Onshape, the Phi coordinate system and planes are now equivalent to the Onshape ones, so that one can quickly orientate around an exported model. "Left" and "Right" reference sketches have also been swapped, so they now follow the names commonly used in Orthographic Projection (identifying the sides of the object as viewed from the front). Also, "Top view" (or "Viewing down the -Z axis") will orientate the positive Y axis up, as is convention.

  • Keep edited bodies in Tutorial Mode

    • It's sometimes useful to watch a tutorial video again while designing. For this reason, entering Tutorials will not be replacing your model with a cube, giving you the freedom to enter and exit the tutorial mode anytime you feel like it. Moreover, moving on to the next tutorial will not automatically restart the cube for you; instead, you can continue experimenting on what you already have. Of course, you can click the "Restart" button anytime, to start fresh.

  • Fixed edges are included in a chain Shift-selection

    • Since confining the selection of a chain is now easier, we made things simpler: A Shift-selected chain of edges will not stop at fixed edges anymore.

Bug fixes:

  • Make a single edge circular with parameters

    • You can now select a single edge and click the "Make circular with parameters" button. The operation, which was before only possible for a chain of two edges or more, will take place as usual. Only behind the scenes will a vertex be temporarily added, and then removed again.

  • Crashes caused by smoothing a long chain of edges are prevented

    • Chains consisting of an arbitrary number of edges are now internally divided into smaller batches, so that the browser won't get overwhelmed and crash.

Version 1.3.2

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Little touches on UX, and a few bugs fixed.

New functionalities:

  • Split a face at its vertices

    • If you hold the Shift key down when you split one or more faces (clicking the Split button or hitting "S"), then the new edges created to split the selected face(s) will connect their vertices, rather than the middles of their edges.

User experience improvements:

  • Progress of STL loading

    • While loading an STL file, the progress is displayed at the to right corner of the interface.

  • Select and highlight inner side and mirror image

    • Both sides of a face, as well as its mirror image, will change color altogether when any of them is hovered or when that face is selected.

  • Copying with fixed objects

    • A body with fixed objects can now be copied. The new body will not have any of its elements fixed and will appear with a manipulator on, ready to be moved where needed. The old body will remain as is; same fixed elements, same position.

  • Copying body accidentally

    • Sometimes one can accidentally copy a body, and then have a coinciding duplicate. This is prevented from happening, by informing the user and urging them to move the copied body

  • Attempting to quick scale ("D") with fixed objects

    • Quick Scaling ("D" shortcut) is an operation which in fact regards the body as a whole, whereas Scaling ("Shift-D") separately handles the assigned areas. For this reason, one cannot quick-scale ("D") a body with fixed objects. In case this is attempted, confusion will be prevented with a message prompting the use of normal Scaling ("Shift-D") instead.

  • Scaling with Move Manipulator

    • The scaling balls of the move manipulator can now be used to scale along any axis; just place the Move Manipulator at an position (keep Shift pressed and drag its axes or rotating arrows) and then use the scaling balls as usual.

  • Bridging edges got simpler

    • I can now stitch a "Π" gap by selecting only the 2 opposite edges (and not the middle one as well)

  • Pop-out Move Manipulator is local

    • The Move Manipulator which appears automatically on a new popped-out face is oriented according to the local axis system (but you can still flip by hitting "G", as always).

  • Attaching to STL when multiple STLs are loaded

    • If you have loaded more than one STL model and plan to use the “Attach to STL tool”, we now automatically select he model that is closest to the area of interest on your Phi model.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes to Bridging edges

    • Connecting open faces by selecting and bridging edges is now more robust, and covers some cases that used to be problematic.

  • STL scaling

    • The size of an STL was not loaded or saved correctly in some cases, due to a bug related with the scaling factor

  • Hidden faces

    • When working with hidden faces, specific conditions could change the status of some faces (i.e. whether they are hidden or shown) without the user's request. Carving and drawing edges only affect shown faces.

    • New faces: hidden or shown? Apart from fixing the above, new faces also behave more consistently regarding their hidden/shown status. As expected, they generally inherit the status of the faces they originate from.

  • Move manipulator positioning

    • More consistent positioning of the move manipulator, e.g. after zooming, copying bodies, etc.

  • Deforming a non-existent edge (crashing bug)

    • Check if edge exists before attempting to deform it.

  • Attaching to STL

    • Improvements and small fixes to the Attach to STL tool (beta).

Hot-key changes:

Shift-S: Split at vertices

Version 1.3.1

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Adding smoothness to edges becomes even faster, simpler, and more intuitive! Gaps between faces can now be bridged, and the mouse pointer turns into a Selecting Brush at your will!

New functionalities

  • Bridge patches

    • The bridge command has been extended to fill in gaps between faces with a new face.

User experience improvements:

  • Smart Edge Smoothening

    • You can now quickly smoothen an entire area at once. Clicking on the "Smooth" button will attempt smoothen edges depending on the following criteria, while pressing the Shift key while clicking the button (or hitting the shortcut Shift-T) will do so respecting the position of the vertices:

      • What is selected?

        • Different elements will trigger different results. Specifically:

          • Faces: If a face is selected, adjacent edges will become tangent in pairs.

          • Edges: If edges are selected, the function remains as is: these edges will become tangent in pairs.

          • Vertices: If a vertex is selected, the edges coming out of this vertex will become tangent in pairs. This will not apply to any vertex which has more than 4 edges coming out, or is adjacent to a selected edge.

      • What is the angle?

        • If a pair of edges forms an angle bigger than 45°, then the above changes will not take place for that pair, as it is considered a delibarate design feature

  • Brush select

    • Selecting multiple objects click-free: Keep the "B" (for brush) key pressed, as you simply move your mouse over the model. The objects you hover will be selected.

  • Toggle invisibility

    • "Make invisible" and "Fill patches" have been merged into a single button: "Toggle invisibility".

Hot-key changes:

  • B: Brush-select

  • Shift-T: Smooth with fixed vertices

Version 1.3.0

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Several new tools to handle and use STL files!

New functionalities:

  • Materialize mirror image

    • A mirror image can now become a new, actual body with the click of a button, and can then be independently edited or moved.

  • Save cropped reference STL model to file

    • Once you have loaded load an STL file, you can use the section planes to crop and save it into a new file (currently it will be downloaded to your file system).

  • Save reduced version of STL model to file (beta)

    • You can reduce the number of the triangles of a loaded STL and save it in a new file.

  • Attach surfaces to STL files (beta)

    • We are releasing a beta version of our new tool for (almost) automatically attaching Phi surfaces to imported reference STL models. This is extremely useful for replicating models, or for designing parts that must fit onto scanned objects. The interface is still rudimentary while we decide what the best workflow is, but we are releasing it because some users already need it.

User experience improvements:

  • Faster loading times

    • Phi should now load faster within the Onshape tab.

  • Auto-detect whether input STL file is ASCII or binary

    • User no longer has to declare the STL they load as binary. This is automatically detected.

Bug fixes:

  • User access (authentication)

    • There was an instance where a properly subscribed user could not fully access Phi due to an issue in the authentication communication between Phi and Onshape. This issue has now been restored and thoroughly tested. Should you encounter any other such problems, please contact us right away!

  • Big STLs can now be opened within Phi

    • Reading STL files in multiple strings to avoid string length limitations imposed by some browsers.

  • Mid-operation autosave

    • Autosave is halted while an operation is taking place.

Version 1.2.1

Monday, 20 December 2021

User experience taken some steps ahead. Check video below:

New functionalities:

  • Always display numbers of selected elements.

    • At any moment, you can look at the top right corner of the interface and know how many vertices, edges and faces are currently selected on scene.

  • Display number of consistency issues.

    • In case Phi identifies potential edge or surface issues, their number is also displayed at the top right corner of the interface.

  • Adding vertices on multiple edges

    • When edges or faces are selected, hovering an edge and hitting the V shortcut will also create one vertex on each selected edge, or any other edge around selected faces.

User experience improvements:

  • User-friendlier selection of default object

    • In the "Default object" selection modal, Size fields have been placed above Shape field, so the selection order is more clearly dictated.

  • Default surfaces lie on the XY plane

    • When a default flat model (square or circle) is loaded, it is oriented vertical to the Z axis.

  • Reference sketches do not overlap

    • Loaded sketches are only visible from one side, so they don’t get in the way.

Hot-key changes:

  • Shift-Delete or Shift-Backspace: Delete selected edge(s) along with any floating vertices left.

Version 1.2.0

Friday, 3 December 2021

New! Edit your model in sectional view:

New functionalities:

  • Sectional View

    • You can now view or work with a section of your model. This functionality consists of two modes: "Setting section planes", where the section is defined by dragging one cutting plane or more through the model, and "Editing model at sectional view".

User experience improvements:

  • All of your files collected in your Onshape document

    • Reference sketches and reference STL models are now loaded via the Onshape document. This means that they are saved in your current document, and will be reloaded automatically when the .phi model is opened again in this document (as the reference models imported from Part Studio do).

  • Check model

    • The interface of the "Check model" functionality (available in Settings) has been redesigned and feedback notes have been added, so that the user can have a simpler overview of the checks. Background improvements have also been implemented.

  • Other improvements

    • We also changed a few interface details, so that it is more clear how certain operations (such as Scaling) work.

Bug fixes:

  • Minor bug fixes

Version 1.1.1

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Improved importing of reference model, configurable zoom sensitivity and non-standard keyboards support:

New functionalities:

  • Educational accounts file sharing with Phenometry

    • This new release includes a change in the application permissions. This was implemented so as to allow our educational users to automatically share with us the documents and files they create, which will help us offer support and guidance, and improve Phi. We will not publicize or share any documents with third parties.

    • Non-educational users will not have their documents and files automatically shared, under any circumstances.

User experience improvements:

  • Zoom sensitivity is now configurable

    • The user can set how fast they will zoom in and out, by adjusting the zoom sensitivity from the Settings menu.

  • Importing reference models improvement

    • For imported reference models (entire Part Studios or Parts independently handled) that are automatically re-opened when you load a Phi model, additional provisions have been made to take care of the case that the internal Onshape IDs have changed (for example, due to making a copy of an entire document). Phi will still identify and load the reference Parts or Part Studios.

Bug fixes:

  • Non-standard keyboards are now supported

    • New keypress handling has been implemented to accommodate non-standard keyboards, such as AZERTY.

Version 1.1.0

Friday, 22 October 2021

Edge discontinuities and other surface issues can now be identified, highlighted for the user, and repaired:

New functionalities:

  • New server infrastructure

    • Sending to Onshape is now faster and there are no size limitations at exporting or importing.

  • New model consistency checks

    • Missing smoothness can be identified according to a defined threshold, highlighted to the user, and automatically improved. A move that will possibly result to one or more faces becoming problematic (e.g. unmanufacturable) can also be automatically interrupted, apart from being highlighted.

Bug fixes

  • Correction in scaling of imported .STL files

Hot-key changes:

  • Better keyboard support

    • Both left and right Shift keys can now be used.

  • Shift-I: Improve model smoothness

Version 1.0.2

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Import a single part from Onshape, suggest or vote for features with the click of a button, and be warned when you are about to overwrite an existing file:

New functionalities:

  • Selective Import from Onshape Part Studio

    • Can now independently import parts within Part Studios, not just the entire Part Studio, for conversion to Phi or as reference.

  • "Suggest a feature” button added

    • Making a new suggestion for a new feature or improvement, as well as voting for suggestions already made, is now directly accessed from Phi.

User experience improvements:

  • Overwrite prompt when saving to Onshape

    • When saving to Onshape in Phi format, with a name that already exists, user is prompted so that the existing file is not accidentally overwritten.

  • More clear scale definition when importing reference .STL

  • Tooltips and some help texts have been improved

  • Some performance improvements

Hot-key changes:

  • N: Snap to Reference body

  • Ctrl-drag: Pan

Version 1.0.1

Saturday, 10 July 2021

Adding to Symmetry and Offset have been simplified, as demonstrated in this short video:

New functionalities:

  • Elements can be removed from the Symmetry Set

    • Isolated pairs of edges or faces can be removed from the Symmetry Set , while the rest of its elements remain intact.

User experience improvements:

  • You can now add edges in any order

    • Phi now automatically assigns added elements to each symmetry side, so you can select them in any order you want. This also means you can add many edges or faces together, using the Shift or the A shortcuts. What is more, Phi accommodates color uniformity on each side of the symmetry plane.

  • Offset definition requires two clicks only

    • Simply click on one of the vertices of the loop to be offset, and click again when the offset preview satisfies you.

Hot-key changes:

  • Ctrl+S: Save as

  • Υ: Add to Symmetry Set

Version 1.0

Monday, 21 June 2021

First public release of Phi! Many thanks to all our Beta Users for your feedback.

A new, simple interface for dimensioning your design.

This short video introduces the new dimensioning interface, and then discusses other tools for dimensioning and precision:

New functionalities:

  • A new, simple interface for dimensioning your design

    • Select an edge or a pair of vertices, and use them to give dimensions to a body or parts of it. Supports proportional or non-proportional rescaling

User experience improvements:

  • Check before clearing symmetries

    • A confirmation dialog makes sure you don't accidentally lose your symmetry sets.

  • Shift-click on edges also uses smoothness information

    • When forming edge chains using shift-click, we now take into account smoothness information, and not only topology, to build better chains.

Bug fixes:

  • Symmetry bug

    • We fixed a bug that was causing face shapes not to update correctly while dragging symmetric edges.

Version 0.37.1

Friday, 28 May 2021

New functionality to make a face and an edge meet tangentially on a T-junction. Improvements to handling addition of vertices and crosshairs.

This 2-minute video gives a quick overview of most of the recent changes:

New functionalities:

  • Smoothness between faces and edges:

    • Select a face and an edge, and make them meet tangentially to give smoothness to their junction.

User experience improvements:

  • Better handling addition of vertices and crosshair:

    • A faster and more precise user experience.

Version 0.36.0

Friday, 21 May 2021

New functionality for adding vertices at same level as existing vertices, or at fractions of the edge length in pairs, including on many edges together (see animation below). New implementation of crosshair. New shortcuts, and other improvements.

New functionalities:

  • Easier addition of vertices:

    • Repeatedly hit shift while hovering over edge to display regular subdivision intervals. Hit V near any of them to add pair of vertices at symmetric intervals. If many edges are selected, vertices will be added on all. Also select existing vertex and then hover over edge with shift pressed to get indication of point at same X, Y or Z value. Hit V to add vertex at that point.

  • New crosshair implementation:

    • Crosshairs are now added on regular intervals of edge length.

  • Improved smoothening behaviour:

    • A more efficient implementation of smoothening of entire edge chains.

User experience improvements:

  • Labels in settings menu:

    • Labels added for easier viewing of settings menu items.

Hot-key changes:

  • Q, W, R to view elements:

    • Hit Q, W, R to show or hide vertices, edges and faces respectively.

  • T for edge smoothness:

    • Hit T to make selected edge chains smooth or smoother.

Version 0.35.0

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Significant new improvements including: New smoothness for edges and faces; Model consistency checks and guards; Separation of inner and outer space; Multi-face bridges; and new intuitive object dragging.

This short video gives a quick overview of most of the changes:

Major improvements:

  • New smoothness for edges and faces:

    • Direct, simple and intuitive control of smoothness for edges and faces, giving better results through simplified tools.

  • More natural dragging behaviour:

    • Dragging objects now gives more expected deformations, preserves flatness where possible, and avoids movements in and out of the screen

  • Separation of inner and outer space:

    • The inside surfaces of all objects are rendered in a different color (red) to give a more obvious separation of the inside and outside space. Helps identify consistency issues and better understand freeform geometric constructions.

New Functionalities:

  • Multi-face bridging:

    • Bridge between sets consisting of different numbers of faces.

  • Guards in model consistency checks: 

    • Set guards to interrupt dragging when model consistency checks fail.

Version 0.34.1

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Two functionalities are added: Consistency checks, and snapping to body. The system also disconnects after inactivity. Also various improvements and bug fixes.

New Functionalities:

  • Model consistency checks:

    • You can now run consistency checks on your model to indentify problems such as edges that are excessively twisted or have high curvature, or extremely short. You can either run them on demand, or automatically after every operation.

  • Snapping bodies: 

    • You can now make a body snap onto another body by selecting vertices, edges or faces that you want to match

  • Automatically disconnect after inactivity:

    • The application will now disconnect after a long period of inactivity

Version 0.34.0

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Use the new curvature combs to inspect edges while you manipulate them.

New Functionalities:

  • Curvature combs:

    • You can now display curvature combs on one or more edges, and see them interactively change as you change the edge shape.

Version 0.33.0

Friday, 9 April 2021

You can now merge bodies by sharing an edge . A couple of hotkeys were also changed to allow compatibility with other packages. Finally some visual improvements with 0-thickness surfaces.

New Functionalities:

  • Merge Bodies on Edge:

    • Allows merging two bodies by selecting two edges, one on each, and joining them on those edges.

Hot-key Changes:

  • F: Fit all body into view (shortcut to View All button).

  • X: Fix or unfix items (was previously F).

Other Improvements:

  • 0-thickness surfaces:

    • Better visualization, avoiding Z-fighting artifacts.

Version 0.32.1

Monday, 29 March 2021

Stepwise rotation with arrow keys. Panning follows mouse movement. Improved menu design.

New Functionalities:

  • Rotate in place with arrow keys:

    • Allows merging two bodies by selecting two edges, one on each, and joining them on those edges.

Icon and menu changes:

  • Menu appearance:

    • Any button containing menus appear with a line underneath them. If any items in the menus are active, the lines light up in bright yellow.

  • Mirror command:

    • Changed the icon.

Other Improvements:

  • Panning speed 1-1 with mouse movements:

    • Regardless of zoom level, when panning the model movement follows exactly the mouse movement.

  • Color picker:

    • Improved interface for picking face colors.

Version 0.32.0

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

A major upgrade as a result of the feedback received from the first batch of beta users. Thank you!

New functionalities, changes to the user interface, many improvements and bug fixes all over.

This short video gives a quick overview of most of the changes:

New Functionalities:

  • Sending Phi models as closed bodies to Onshape:

    • Onshape has some specific strict requirements for the format to translate Phi models into Onshape Part Studios. Sometimes these were not met, so we changed the format to comply with Onshape and Phi models are now consistently translated into closed bodies, as they should.The left/right and up/down arrow keys now rotate stepwise around 'center of mass'.

  • Units and model scale:

    • When starting, importing, exporting models, units and scale are now handled more consistently.

  • Enabling/disabling tooltips:

    • We added a control in the Preferences menu for enabling/disabling tooltips, as they were sometimes getting in the way of users who didn’t feel they needed them.

  • Faces made invisible, not deleted:

    • This is a point that caused confusion, as faces are not actually deleted, they are made invisible (and can be made visible again). A separate button was added for this. Instead of deleting faces one must dissolve faces into one.

  • Symmetry and mirror planes on any face:

    • Any face can now be used as reference for symmetry or mirror planes. 

  • Pop-out / thicken command:

    • We added a version of the pop-out that removes all other faces except the ones being popped-out, to simulate a thickening from a 0-thickness surface.

  • More features for coordinates:

    • We added more functionalities for displaying and directly setting the coordinates of vertices and moving objects.

  • Setting decimal places to display:

    • Can set the number of decimal places to display for any number or coordinate value.

  • Option to break tangencies when fairing edges:

    • In the window where you set the fairing strength you can also declare that any tangencies at the ends of the chain of edges being faired should be broken, to obtain different results.

  • Scale factor when loading default model:

    • We added a small interface for declaring the scale/dimensions of the default models being loaded.

Icon, menu and user interface changes:

  • Tutorial contents and hotkeys in sidebar:

    • Contents of each tutorial video added in separate tab for easier search. An additional tab shows all the hotkeys (shortcuts) in the sidebar, next to the tutorial videos.

  • New hotkeys for temporarily hiding vertices edges: 

    • Hitting Q or W will hide or show the vertices or edges, to help object selection when there are too many.

  • Hotkeys in Floating toolbar:

    • Hotkeys now appear within floating toolbar.

Other Improvements:

  • High CPU usage due to video codec:

    • We had reports of very high CPU usage in some browser/OS combinations. Turned out this was due to the short animations in our Phi tooltips that were encoded in a way that some browsers had trouble rendering. We re-encoded them and the problem was solved.

  • Symmetry bug fix:

    • Fixed a bug that sometimes came up when declaring symmetries.

  • Better grid behaviour:

    • We made the grid become gray when not viewing it down the X, Y or Z direction, to indicate that it’s not active, i.e. you cannot use it for snapping.

  • Lighting improvements:

    • Our initial placement of lights around the model was found to be sometimes confusing, so we replaced that with a simpler setup that follows the camera’s viewpoint.

  • Change in 'Delete Vertex' behaviour:

    • Deleting a vertex with only two edges on it will delete the vertex. When there are more than two edges, it will also delete the edges.

  • Shift-click to unfix all selected elements:

    • Shift-clicking on the “fix” icon will un-fix selected elements.

  • Improved coordinate axis appearance:

    • The coordinate axes/planes now have constant dimensions on the screen, regardless of zoom level.

  • Change in 'Draw Linear Edge' and 'Linear Carve' behaviour:

    • You now need to hit “Shift-E” or “Shift-C” to start a linear edge or a linear carve, but you no longer need to keep the shift key pressed during the mouse move where you trace the cut.

  • Part Studio reference models will automatically import:

    • When you reload a .phi file, it will automatically read in any Part Studios you had imported.