Tutorial 1: Basic interactions and viewing options
Basic interactions
Visualising object elements
Selecting and deselecting
Dragging with Shift (perpendicular)
Undo / redo / refresh
Pan, Zoom
View from different sides
Tutorial 2: Edge Design
Adding vertices
Adding vertices at edge fractions
Adding vertices on multiple edges
Adding vertices around a face
Adding vertex across from vertex
Adding edges
Adding straight edges with shift
Adding multiple edges
Drawing edges on faces
Drawing straight edges with shift-E
Adding vertices while drawing edges
Splitting faces
Adding edges with crosshair
Offsetting faces
Tooltips and Help
Floating context toolbar
Tutorial 3: More Viewing Options, Colors and Materials
Viewing perpendicular to face
Storing and retrieving viewpoints
Coordinate axes and planes
Displaying shadow plane
Displaying grid
Displaying vertex coordinates (moving / selected / all)
Setting face colors
Setting face materials
Viewing triangulated mesh
Tutorial 4: Pop-outs, Holes and Bridges
Pop-out-cut (thicken)
Making holes through bodies
Connecting bridges
Shift-bridge for freeform bridge
Tutorial 5: Moving, Scaling and Dimensioning
Moving and rotating elements
Global and local positioning
Dragging multiple vertices
Place manipulator at vertex
Repositioning the manipulator
Snapping to body
Live scaling
Scaling objects with precision
Setting the scaling center
Scaling based on distance
Scaling non-proportionately
Setting precise values
Set single vertex coordinates with shift-click
Setting multiple vertex coordinates
Selecting coinciding vertices
Tutorial 6: Fixing, Deleting and Dissolving
Fixing objects
Unfixing objects
Deleting edges or vertices
Deleting a vertex with more than 2 edges
Making faces invisible
Filling invisible faces
Dissolving faces into one
Dissolving to split body in two
Tutorial 7: Face and Edge Shapes
Flattening faces
Flattening multiple faces
Flattening edges
Making edges linear
Making edges collinear
Making faces or edges circular
Turning edges into circular arcs
Making circles with precision
Copying edges
Tutorial 8: Smoothness, Continuity and Tangency
Smooth edges
Setting smoothen strength
Smooth edges without moving vertices
Smooth faces
Smooth area
Removing edge smoothness
Make edge tangent to face
Make edge perpendicular to face or plane
Copy tangent
Lock tangent
Visualize tangency and smoothness constraints
Curvature combs
Tutorial 9: Mirroring and Symmetries
Mirroring model
Mirror planes
Setting symmetry plane
Forming symmetry sets
Clearing symmetry
Mirror vs. Symmetry
Combining Mirror and Symmetry
Tutorial 10: Dimensioning and Precision
Setting the dimensions of the initial block
Setting the distance between two vertices (and choosing the effect on the entire body)
Displaying and Setting Coordinates
Using the Grid
Adding vertices on fractions of an edge
Adding a vertex across an existing one
Tutorial 11: Multiple Bodies
Copying one body, or more at once
Copied bodies are independent
Merging two bodies into one
Splitting a body in two
Snapping one body onto another
Tutorial 12: Load, Save, Import and Export
Phi: A connected Onshape App
Saving in the Phi format
Save Phi model in Onshape document
Sending to Onshape Part Studio
Exporting to STEP or STL
Restart with default or existing model
Bring in model from Onshape Part Studio
Load a saved Phi model
Loading into current model
Bringing in model from Onshape Part Studio: known issues and workarounds
Tutorial 13: Reference Objects and Reference Sketches
Importing reference objects
Hiding reference objects
Editing reference objects
Snapping onto reference object
Convert reference faces to Phi faces
Importing reference STL files
Importing reference sketches
Default reference sketches
Editing reference sketches
Tutorial 14: Settings, Help and Feedback
Show or hide labels
Disable tooltips
Set workspace units
Set coordinate decimals
Set smoothen strength (and break tangency flag)
Curvature combs
Inner side red
Consistency checks
Grid spacing
Backgrounds and lighting
Set display triangles per face
Start or stop autosave
Reference model appearance
Search commands
Floating toolbar
Tutorial videos
Feedback button